Pay It Forward Christmas Ideas

In a world where there is so much confusion, hate, and sadness … use these pay it forward Christmas ideas and … be the light!

You may want to pay it forward to brighten someone’s Christmas but want to make sure you’re doing it the right way or want to find ways to pay it forward, without hurting your own financial future. You’re in luck! I have pay it forward ideas for those who want to spend a lot, spend a little, or not spend anything at all!

Pay It Forward Christmas Ideas For Those Who Want To Spend A Lot

You’ve seen the pleas for help on Facebook. The ones where someone tells a compelling story that works at your emotions only to find out it’s a fake account that has been used multiple times for modern day begging. If the story were true you’d want to help, without a doubt, but you also want to make sure your kindness isn’t being taken advantage of. But how? How do you give, knowing your hard earned money will be put to good use?

Here are a few good ways to give:

  • Non-Profit Organizations – Give to a non-profit organization that knows the needs in your community and has the ability to make your dollars stretch further than you have the capability of making them stretch. Think food banks, schools, churches, animal shelters, and clubs. Find a local Lions Club here.
  • Grocery Stores – Pay for someone’s groceries, in line behind you by slipping the cashier some cash. There’s no need to make a scene, it can be totally anonymous!
  • Rent – Know someone you’d like to bless? Find out who their landlord is and pay December’s rent for them.
  • Layaways – We’ve all heard the stories of a famous person paying off all the layaways at different stores. You don’t have to be rich or famous to pay off someone’s layaway items.
  • Mechanic – Head to your local mechanic and pay someone’s bill for them to relieve a bit of their financial stress.
Pay It Forward Christmas Ideas

Pay It Forward Christmas Ideas For Those Who Want To Spend A Little

Maybe you just want to do a little something for someone to brighten their day. They may not NEED anything but the JOY you are willing to share!

  • Drive-Thru – We hear about this one a lot. It usually happens at coffee stands … where someone pays for the person behind them. This would work for fast food establishments, too!
  • A Surprise Package At The Door – Put together a You’ve Been Tinseled Box and leave it at someone’s doorstep to help them experience the JOY of Christmas!
  • Care Packages – They aren’t just for college students and military personnel. You can send a care package to anyone you’d like to make their day!
  • Small Gifts – A small, unexpected gift with a cute tag is often enough to make someone smile. Here are a few ideas:
  • Tip – If you eat out, leave an extra big tip for your waitress/waiter.
  • Laundromat – Pre-pay a few machines at your local laundromat. Our washer stopped working, not too long ago, and we were quite surprised at the laundromat prices. For those that visit the laundromat often, a pre-paid machine would be a pleasant surprise.

Pay It Forward Without Spending A Dime

You don’t have to SPEND money to pay it forward. There are many ways you can be a light to others in big or simple ways.

  • Buy Nothing – Take time to declutter and give things away you no longer want or need. Those same things may be a huge blessings to someone else. Your local Buy Nothing group is a great place to do this.
  • Community Service – Look for community service opportunities so you can give your time for a good cause.
  • Help – Find a way to be helpful to those around you and make a difference in their day.
  • Smile – A simple smile can go a long way when you’re out and about.
  • Compliments – Give someone a compliment. Even a complete stranger. I still remember a lady complimenting me on my coat in the produce isle at the grocery store, years ago. It put a pep in my step.
  • Write A NoteSend a note to someone letting them know one thing you appreciate about them.
    • Teachers
    • Principals
    • Sunday School Teachers
    • Friends
    • Co-Workers
  • Send A Text – Text a friend or family member with encouraging words.
  • Donate – There are likely nearby non-profits that will take donations of things you no longer need. Think towels or blankets for animal shelters, clothes for a local clothing closet, or coats to a local school.
  • Give Kudos – If you’ve experienced exceptional service, take time to let a manager know how appreciative you are, send an email, or write a public review.
A table gifted on Buy Nothing with the text, 'How Does Buy Nothing Work?'
Community Service Ideas
Christmas Cards you can print at home!

This Christmas season, take time to pay it forward in big and small ways that make a difference and spread JOY!

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