Symptom Tracker Printable
Make life easier and track your symptoms with the Symptom Tracker Printable. Then, when you have a doctor’s appointment, you’ll have the information you need, in fine print!
Unfortunately, I was sick for an entire month. It started with a sore throat and headache and then moved to a low grade temperature and shortness of breath, fatigue, and just plain ol’ miserableness. At times, I was nauseous and couldn’t eat. Sleep was nowhere to be found. I lost 10 pounds. The crud lingered and lingered and then, lingered some more.
I was sick at a time when doctors didn’t want you to come to their clinic with syptoms, for fear you might infect them and others in their space, so … I made an online appointment.
My memory served me well and I was able to convey my symptoms to my doctor but oh, how I wished I had written down my symptoms, day by day, so I wouldn’t have to think so hard.
Now that I am on the backside of days on end exhaustion, I’ve gathered myself enough to create a Symptom Tracker for YOU so you can properly record your symptoms and convey them to your doctor, in person or online.

How To Use The Symptom Tracker Printable
- Print The Symptom Tracker – Found Below
Leave the Symptom Tracker and pen where you will see it and use it.
- Record Your Symptoms As They Occur
Note the date, day, your symptoms, any kind of medication or supplement you took, and notes that would be good to recall.
- Use Your Symptom Tracker If You Need To Talk To Your Doctor
The Symptom Tracker is a great resource for you and your doctor to help diagnose what you are going through.
From my online appointment with my doctor, he ‘suspected’ I had COVID-19 and probably something else, to go along with it. At that time, they were only testing healthcare workers and I was unable to test so … I will likely never know if, indeed, that was the case.
I am SO happy that I am feeling well enough to function and can’t wait until I’m 100%!
Health is incredibly important. Without it, not much matters.
Take care of yourself, friends!