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Creative Ways To Give Money For Christmas

Money. It’s the gift that everyone wants but no one wants to give. Why? Because it’s boring. Here are Creative Ways To Give Money For Christmas that aren’t boring!

Money wrapped around crayons and the crayons coming out of a crayon box.

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Christmas Snowball

One year, I made the Snowball Surprise for my kids and my nieces and nephews. I wrapped up a bunch of silly little toys, candy, and a mustache, and they each got a gift card in the center.

It was a riot! There were white streamers everywhere and we captured fun pictures with them all wearing their mustaches!

Group of kids and teenagers wearing fake mustaches in front of a Christmas tree.

That’s a great cousin portrait, don’t you think?

Fast forward a few years and my nephew wanted money for Christmas. It was way too boring to just hand him cash so, instead, I made him a Christmas Money Snowball!

Christmas Dough

When my daughter studied abroad for her sophomore year of college, I asked her what was on her wish list and she had just two things for me; money and a battery pack for her phone. Each week, they had a three-day weekend to explore and she wanted money to continue with her travels.

A while back, I found this fun Christmas idea. I thought it was such a clever idea so, being the printables fanatic I am, I created a cute little Gingerbread Man holding a sign that says Christmas Dough.

Then, I went to the bank and withdrew my daughter’s budgeted Christmas cash in different denominations. Next, I rolled each bill, using a pencil, and tied a cute little bow with red and white baker’s twine. I filled a jar with the rolled-up bills and tied the gingerbread man onto the jar. The nice thing is you can make this money gift to fit your budget! That’s better than a card with cash.

Gingerbread man tag that says Christmas Dough tied to a small jar of rolled bills.

Adorable – all the teen cousins loved their โ€œChristmas doughโ€โ€ฆthank you!


Yarn Snowball

Although I used the Yarn Snowball as a Unique Way To Give Gift Cards At Christmas (be sure to check for gift card scams), it could also easily be used to wrap cash!

Snowball made out of yarn with a tag that says Christmas Snowball.

Practical Way To Give Money

Elevate your gift-giving this Christmas with a Practical Way To Give Money, merging the magic of the season with financial thoughtfulness. It’s a practical gift that is fun and puts a smile on the faces of the recipients!

Bag of groceries with a tag on it that says something inside is not what it seems.
Peanuts safe with the closure sitting next to it and folded money.

Peanuts Safe

Gift a bag of snacks and include this peanuts safe and a poem so your recipient knows to look for something off! I did this one year as a Practical Way To Give Money since it’s the most universal gift to give.

Can of stewed tomatoes sitting in front of a Christmas Tree.

Stewed Tomatoes Can

Throw off your gift recipient by gifting them a can of Stewed Tomatoes. You could even include it along with other ingredients for a recipe to make it interesting!

Maze cube with a compartment to hide something, like money, inside.

Money Maze Puzzle Gift Box

Make the gift of money a little bit of a challenge! With this money maze, recipients will have to solve the puzzle before they can open the box to see what’s inside!

Can Of Spam

Along the same lines as stewed tomatoes, a can of Spam is another option.

Wooden Cash Holder

Use this cash holder to roll up different denominations, wrap it, and gift it!

Hair Brush

Know someone who could use a brush? This sweet brush safe comes with its’ own secret compartment where you can stash some cash!

Money in a play-doh container to give as a gift with a play on the word dough.


I needed a way to fill my kid’s Christmas stockings without spending money on things they didn’t want or need. Money, alone, won’t fill a stocking so I purchased Play-Doh, removed the Play-Doh, cleaned up the containers, and placed the money inside! They now will each have a little Doh to Play with!

Money wrapped around crayons and the crayons coming out of a crayon box.

Money Crayons

How about adding a few bills to a box of Crayons? This is a box of 8 Crayons … I could only fit 7 Crayons back in the box after I rolled the bills around them.

This is a great way to give money any time of year. Add a coloring book and you’re set!

Money in a candy box to give as a gift.

Candy Box

I happened to have square boxes that worked perfectly for this. Then, I purchased little candy cups and folded Euros to put inside each one. In order to keep the Euros folded nicely, I used a paper clip on each one.

You could also buy an inexpensive box of chocolates … I’m talking from Dollar Tree. Throw away the chocolate and use the box and candy cups for money!

Money. It’s a universal gift that everyone can use. You just have to find a way to gift it creatively!

Frequently Asked Questions

It used to be considered tacky to give money as a gift but not any more! Money is the most useful and practical gift you can give. When you gift money, the recipient can choose the way to spend it that works best for them.

It isn’t necessary to give money creatively but it makes it more fun to give and to get. When you wrap your gift of money, it takes more time to open, and when you give it in a creative way, it adds suspense and surprise.

The sweet thing about giving money as a gift is you can give the amount that works best for your budget. The amount will also vary depending on your relationship with the recipient and the occasion. Even a small amount is better than a store-bought gift that the recipient won’t use.


Hi! I’m Bridget!

I create printables and DIYs to help you get organized and celebrate special occasions! It’s my mission to inspire you to get creative and find joy in the everyday!

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