Zipper Bracelet Valentine Idea

If you’re looking for a Valentine idea that isn’t sweet or something to eat, check out this Zipper Bracelet Valentine Idea!

What You Need To Make Zipper Bracelet Valentines

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A zipper bracelet attached to a Valentine that says: Wishing You A Ziptastic Valentine's Day.

How To Assemble Your Bracelet Valentines

The Zipper Bracelet Valentine Tags are fillable which means you can add your name, right on your computer, before printing. (The tags work best in Adobe Viewer.) You can also print and write your name by hand. Don’t want to add a name? You can use them just as they are!

  1. Add your name to the Zipper Bracelet Valentine Tags, on your computer.
  2. Print the Valentine Tags on card stock.
  3. Cut the Tags.
  4. Use a hole punch to punch holes to thread the zipper bracelet through. It takes two hole punches in each spot to thread the bracelet through. These Valentines are designed so you can punch holes in different spots to thread the bracelet through and leave it long or clasp the bracelet closed. 
  5. Thread the bracelet through the holes.
  6. Hand them out to students or classmates!
Zipper bracelet Valentine printable sheets.

Get Your Zipper Bracelet Valentine Printables Here

Make this Valentine’s Day a zippy one with these ziptastic bracelets that kids will love to wear!

Just zipping by to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day Valentine with a zipper bracelet attached.
Zipper bracelet Valentines you can print at home and add a zipper bracelet to.

Hi! I’m Bridget!

I create printables and DIYs to help you get organized and celebrate special occasions! It’s my mission to inspire you to get creative and find joy in the everyday!

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