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Weight Loss Tracker Printable

“Mom, you have a flubber belly!” Those were the exuberant words I heard a long time ago from my then-8-year-old son. We all laughed because, well, I was actually pretty fit! Fast forward a decade and the flubber belly was real. I needed motivation. I was at the heaviest I had ever been and started to reflect on how I got there. Then, I found myself strategizing ways I could get out of that extra layer of fat. Of course, I wanted to put everything on paper and created the Weight Loss Tracker Printable!

Once I realized my clothes weren’t fitting well, I mentioned it to my daughter who so wonderfully said, “are you sure your clothes just aren’t shrinking?” I think I love her!

I won’t be presumptuous and assume you need a Weight Loss Tracker too but, in case you do, I’m here for you!

Woman working out at the gym.

Who’s The Weight Loss Tracker For?

Okay, since you’re still reading, I’m going to assume you might want to lose a few pounds too. That means the Weight Loss Tracker is for you. More specifically, it is for anyone who wants to lose weight and needs a little motivation.

What’s On The Weight Loss Printable?

The Weight Loss Tracker was designed in a game style to make it fun and to take the drudgery away. Here’s what you’ll find on the tracker:

Start Weight

First up is your start weight.

I really never weigh myself. I’m 50 years old and haven’t had to worry much about weight, up to this point. Times are changing and I’m too frugal to buy new clothes so I had to face the scale.

How I Got Where I Am Today

Oh, Boy! I had a lot of excuses. I kept mulling them over in my head and decided it was time to get all those excuses and, ahem, facts, on paper. Here are a few:

  • Sitting too much.
  • Drinking pop.
  • Not going to the gym even though I have my gym etiquette down.
  • Eating dairy that I know inflames me.
  • Eating junk food.
  • The dog wanted to cuddle.
  • No time to work out and stay fit.

Name them and then do something about them. That’s the whole goal here. Those excuses can’t be dirty little secrets when you write them down.

Steps To Take

When you state a problem (excuses) you have to find solutions. This is the spot to write the changes you plan to make.

  • Work out 3 times a week. You can use this Printable Exercise Tracker to make sure you’re staying on track.
  • Do cardio every day. I’ve recently downloaded the Pedometer Step Counter and aim for 8,500 steps per day.
  • Walk the dog more.
  • Eliminate pop.
  • Limit dairy.
  • Eat whole foods.
  • Reduce sugar.
  • Buy a stand-up desk.

Now, it’s all out there. You know what you need to do and it’s right there in fine print! If you’d like to take it a step further, you can track your mood to see if the activity you’re doing increases your happiness.


What will you do when you get sidetracked? Plan a detour before you hit the roadblock so you don’t plow right through and find yourself with regrets.

  • If a sugar craving hits, wait 30 minutes.
  • Too tired to go to the gym? Put on your clothes and go sit in the car, then decide if you’re still too tired to go.
  • The dog doesn’t want to go for a walk … yeah, no! That would never happen!

Think of roadblocks that have derailed your health in the past and come up with ways to trick yourself.

Did I just say that out loud?

I don’t know about you but Pepsi seems to call my name. It goes perfectly with tacos, right? We have it in the house for company but I leave it in the basement so I have to go downstairs to get one. That doesn’t always deter me though. Another way I trick myself is to promise myself, that if I still want one after I eat a meal, I can get one. It works! I must be naive.


Eeek! When you work hard to meet a goal you have to reward yourself. I’m not talking about a personal gallon of ice cream either.

I’ve decided my reward will be a new pair of jeans. Not just any jeans. The kind of jeans I used to buy before we had kids. The expensive kind.

What’s something you want that would be a nice treat? Something worth working for?

Goal Weight

Be realistic. This isn’t where you write the weight you were in high school.

I seem to have a happy weight. One I’ve pretty much maintained most of my adult life until, ahem. It isn’t my high school weight, it’s a realistic weight I know I can achieve if I make some changes.


So what’s with the boxes? There are no rules here. There are 50 boxes in total. Use them as you see fit.

  • Color them in as you lose weight.
  • Use them to write notes.
  • Write the date and your weight as you progress through your weight loss journey.

I plan to use the boxes to write my weight and date. I might even color them in, as I see progress!

When Should I Start Using The Tracker?

Right now! There’s no time like the present. It’s kind of a joke that everyone waits until Monday to start a new diet, right? You eat all the junk food and then you can start. Am I right? Don’t do that. Decide to start today.

Where Should I Keep the Weight Loss Tracker Printable?

The Weight Loss Printable is designed to be three-hole-punched so you can put it in a binder. But save the hole punch for later, when you’ve reached your goal. You can put this tracker in a binder and proudly save it forever after you’ve reached your goal.

Right now, leave the Weight Tracker right where you’ll see it often.

  • On your desk
  • On the fridge
  • On the bathroom counter
  • Taped to a mirror

There’s no shame here. Post it proudly because you are determined and ready to rock this weight thing.

Why Should I Use The Weight Loss Worksheet?

You should use the tracker if you are ready to do something about the few extra pounds you’ve put on and visuals motivate you. The cool thing is, you can get the whole family involved. Believe me, they will help keep you on track if you keep this Weight Loss Tracker visible, front and center!

Get Your Weight Loss Tracker Here

The printable Weight Loss Tracker comes with a sample sheet to give you inspiration.

Printable Weight Loss Tracker in a game style.

“One-hundred-forty-seven pounds!” Those were the words I yelled as we drove to the gym last night. My then 6-foot, 17-year-old son, who thought he was helping said, “Mom, that’s not bad … that’s what I weigh!”

A little progress each day adds up to big results.

Satya Nani
A Little Progress Each Day Adds Up To Big Results

As we left the gym, this sign was proudly on display!


Hi! I’m Bridget!

I create printables and DIYs to help you get organized and celebrate special occasions! It’s my mission to inspire you to get creative and find joy in the everyday!

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