New Driver’s Contract
Not only does this New Driver’s Contract spell out the new driver’s responsibilities but it also makes it very clear how incredibly awesome his/her parents are to provide the resources needed to take on the huge responsibility of driving! We are pretty awesome after all!
Things just got real. Ready or not, my 16-year-old has her driver’s license. Ack! She’s gone through the proper training and practiced driving with her dad because, ahem, I was just too nervous. Then the time came. The time when she was off on her very own with the car keys and the big, big, scary world.
Hold up!
Does she know everything she needs to know? She claims to drive better than her dad, which is probably true but she doesn’t have years of experience. The experience that helps you predict what actions other drivers might take.
My mom heart panicked. I laid awake the night before her first expedition to school on her own, thinking of everything I needed to tell her in the morning.
- Do you know where the registration and insurance information is? You gotta know if you get pulled over.
- If an undercover police car turns on its lights, continue driving to a well-populated area and dial 911 to tell them what you are doing. It could be a bad guy.
- When the first rains come after a dry spell, the roads will be slippery.
- Turn on your lights! Just because it’s light out doesn’t mean you don’t need your lights on. They are for other people to see you!
- Don’t forget to turn your lights off! You don’t want a dead battery.
- It can be hard to see, when you drive in the dark and the rain, especially with oncoming headlights. Keep your eyes on the lines!
- Take it slow! Slow down on corners! Be careful on that curvy road! Don’t forget there’s no turn on red at the light by the railroad tracks! Can you park? Obey the rules of the road! Don’t get pulled over!
- The keys! Where will you keep the keys so you don’t lose them?
Goodness! I was a nervous wreck! Maybe I should follow her around?

Then, I got the text I’d been waiting for. Whew! She made it with just a bump over the curb!
My panic quickly turned to, does she remember? We have so much to go over. I decided to write up a contract to include in her The Big Book Of Everything For Teens.
Why Use A Teen Driver Contract?
Not only does this New Driver’s Contract spell out the new driver’s responsibilities but it also makes it very clear how incredibly awesome his/her parents are to provide the resources needed to take on the huge responsibility of driving!
The contract for new teen drivers reinforces safe driving habits, gives you the opportunity to communicate expectations when it comes to driving, and provides a document to refer to when driving practices are less than stellar.
How to Use The Contract For Teen Drivers
- Purchase the New Driver’s Contract through the link below.
- Download and Print the contract.
- Review the contract with your teen.
- Sign the contract. The new driver and the parents should sign the agreement.
- Keep the contract in a place where you can easily refer back to it.
You can also print your own Student Driver Sign!
What’s In The Driving Contract For New Drivers?
This driving contract for teen drivers is meant to be a bit light-hearted! I’m always looking for ways to make the normal stuff more interesting. If you are the same, check out these fun things to do with teens without spending a lot.
- I understand driving is a great opportunity yet filled with responsibility. I am excited to drive and accept the responsibilities and consequences that come with it.
- I will let you know each time I leave. I will even tell you where I am going and my expected time of return. If, for some reason, I will not be home at my estimated time, I will shoot you a text or give you a call to assuage your fears that I’ve been abducted by aliens.
- When I arrive home, I will let my presence be known with a loud ‘hello’ as I enter the door. I wouldn’t want you to think I’m a stranger breaking in, after all.
- On the off chance I am pulled over by the men in blue or receive unwanted mail in the form of a ticket, I will in no shape or form ask, suggest, or even hint that anyone other than myself should pay for said ticket.
- You/I will pay $___ to insure my driving.
- You will provide $___ for gas each month. This amount is sufficient to get back and forth to school each day. I will be responsible enough to pay for gas when I choose to gallivant, get a job, give rides to friends, or use my vehicle for anything other than going to school.
- Speaking of friends, I hereby declare I will not give friends a ride until my probationary period of six months is up. After the six-month mark, I will ask permission to transport friends and insist they ask their parents’ permission to ride with me as well.
- This is my car to drive and never would I ever let a friend or anyone other than family drive the vehicle that has been entrusted to me.
- Talking on the phone or texting while driving is just plain stupid. I won’t do that.
- Driving while under the influence is incredibly stupid too. I don’t want to die so I won’t do it. I also would never ride in a vehicle where the driver is impaired. Nope! Not gonna do it. I will call my awesome parents if I ever find myself in such a predicament.
- Road conditions contribute to my speed. I understand I may need to drive UNDER the posted speed limit if road conditions dictate. Examples of this might be crazy rain, fog, snow, ice, and a Zombie Apocalypse.
- My vehicle will be kept reasonably clean on the inside and out by none other than myself! I can wash a car like nobody’s business and I know where to find the shop vac.
- I will pay attention to the needs of my car and let you know when regular maintenance is warranted. I’m thrilled you are willing to pay for the maintenance of the vehicle I drive.
- If I choose to break a rule, I understand my driving privileges will be revoked.
- I understand that my right to drive may be withdrawn at any time for any reason.
- My parents ROCK! I’m thrilled they are giving me the resources to drive and I am incredibly grateful! I will show gratitude by taking school seriously and working hard to get great grades!
Whew! I think my bases are covered. It’s time to diffuse some calming oil blends and realize my little girl is growing up.
Go print a copy of the New Driver’s Contract for the new teen driver in your home!
Common Questions

Hi! I’m Bridget!
I create printables and DIYs to help you get organized and celebrate special occasions! It’s my mission to inspire you to get creative and find joy in the everyday!
Ugh, you made me remember all the feelings I had when my son first drove into town all by himself. I was a wreck! Love your printable Bridget. Especially the parts about the alien abduction, the zombie apocalypse, and the awesome parentage. Such great points! You always make me smile! ๐
I’m sure one day I will look back at this as the good ol’ days! I tried to keep it light so Hazel would actually sign it;0) … and, Kay! You always make me smile too!
I can’t imagine! I just posted in mom angst over my 10 year old hitting puberty?! I love your contract! Def pinning!!!
Fun times;0) What do they say? Time flies when we’re having fun! So glad you like the new driver’s contract!
This is so awesome and cute!! Love it! Pinning ๐
I’m so glad you like it, Denise! Thank you!
What a great idea! Wish I’d thought of that when teaching my daughters to drive.
Why, thank you, Sandy! I tried to create a new driver’s contract that was on the lighthearted side;0)