New Years Dream Sheet
Write down your aspirations on the Dream Sheet, and next year, revisit it to marvel at what you’ve achieved. You might even realize that the goals left undone weren’t as important as you once thought.

Dare To Dream
If you looked in a thesaurus, you would expect to see the word failure as a synonym for resolution. The word seems to conjure up feelings of dread, weakness, and fear. But what if we looked at it in a different way? When we make a resolution we make a firm decision to do or not to do something. We show boldness in our declaration of change. What you need is a resolution printable to dream big dreams!
A while back, I read the book: Living Well Spending Less. There were a few things that resonated and stuck with me.
- The Dream comes first. Ridiculous dreams. Dreams that seem impossible. If nothing stood in your way, what would you do? When you have the freedom to dream, you create a road map for your future. Take time to dream!
- How do you eat an elephant? That dream that is so big, you can’t figure out where to start. One bite at a time. One chunk at a time.
- Write it down! Put those dreams on paper and break them down into manageable chunks.
- What do you love? Where is your sweet spot? The intersection where your passion meets your greatest strength. This is the intersection where we are truly at our greatest self.
One year, I took my resolutions sheet off the corkboard, inside the kitchen cabinet. The resolutions that had been staring me in the face reminding me of my failures. I sat down and revisited those resolutions and faced them head-on. I was quite surprised to discover it wasn’t so bad after all!
The big resolution that haunted me all year was the only big failure. I realized I hadn’t cut that elephant up into chunks. The other resolutions were fluffy stuff like reflecting on what I’m grateful for each day, keeping hope, and seeing situations and people through God’s eyes. While admirable, I wanted more. So, I took the time to dream.
I came up with nine categories and aimed to write goals for each category:
- Physical: The normal resolutions type stuff. You know, the ones where you resolve to work out every day of the year or lose weight.
- Financial: This is a popular one.
- Spiritual: How can you improve your spiritual life?
- For the Home: There’s always something that needs to be done. Write it down!
- Mental: How will you exercise your mind this year?
- Family Life: What do you want to do as a family this year? Eat dinners together more often? Play video games as a family? Attend special events?
- Things to Try: We all need to push ourselves to experience something new.
- Dreams: Dreams are where it all starts! Let loose. Dream a little!
- Material Desires: So many of us are trying to simplify and live a minimalist life but we all have a few materialistic things we want and that’s okay! It’s quite gratifying to look over your list at the end of the year and realize you’ve acquired a few!
Do you ever feel like you take two steps forward and five steps back? You feel like nothing is ever accomplished and youโre just barely able to keep your head above water. You know what? Thereโs hope! Put your dreams in writing. Then, next year, take a look at your Dream Sheet and be amazed that you did accomplish stuff and realize, the stuff you didnโt, might not be too important after all.
Who Is This Dream Sheet For?
This Dream Sheet was designed with families in mind. I created it when my kids were in middle school and we have filled them out ever since. Some of the fields are a bit more adult-ish but can be filled in by teens as well. This New Years Dream Sheet is probably not appropriate for young kids.
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How To Use The New Year Printable
Use fun pens and sit down with your family or on your own to fill out your Dream Sheet. Make it fun and take time to color your page. It was designed with enough room on the left to hole-punch the page so you can put it in a binder to look back on later. We keep ours in our Book Of Everything.
Change Your Mindset
Let’s have a mind shift and change our thinking. Let’s call our resolutions dreams and forget about failures. They aren’t really failures, after all. The failures just weren’t that important to us.
What if we gave ourselves the opportunity to dream? What if we allowed ourselves to imagine? What if we took ideas and visions of something we want to do, be, or have and turned them into reality?
It’s time to forget the rigidness of resolutions and permit yourself to declare bold dreams! Put all those dreams on paper and have fun with it. Get the family involved too.
Write all over this page without regard to how it will get done. It’s a process! Not to mention the fact that writing stuff down seems to give your mind a release. Plus, it’s interesting to see what you’ve written down from year to year and how your dreams change over time. It’s also fun to see the areas in which you succeeded. Those are most likely the areas that meant the most to you.
Determine One Dream To Focus On
Focus on one of your dreams. Choose an attainable dream. A dream that is fairly easy to achieve. A dream that will get the ball rolling and build confidence. Determine the path it will take to fulfill that dream.
Take Action
It’s time to get to work. Make an action plan and make that one dream a reality. Then, go on and choose the next dream. Keep building until you are at the top of that mountain. You got this!
If you’re planning a New Year’s Party, it would be fun and festive to provide this New Year’s Resolutions Printable for guests who are interested in filling them out. While you’re waiting for the ball to drop, you could also try your hand at New Yearโs Trivia Questions and a Guess How Many New Yearโs Eve Party Game.
What Is On The Dream Sheet?
Write words in each section to express the dreams you have for the new year! I will list a few ideas for each section in order to get your creative juices flowing.
One Way I Plan To Take Care Of My Physical Health
It’s important to take the time to take care of ourselves. If time was no object, what would you do to take care of the body you’ve been given? Here are a few ideas:
- work out three times a week
- sign up to play a sport
- walk every day
- take supplements
- eat whole foods
Five Things I Want To Buy
We all want stuff, right? Sometimes it seems like we never get what we want. Write down the desires of your heart. Next year you will likely discover you’ve accumulated some of that stuff and some of it might not be important anymore.
A MacBook Pro has been on my Dream Sheet since 2015. It’s something I can certainly live without but it will continue to make the list until it becomes a reality or I decide I don’t really want one, after all!
- new house
- camera
- MacBook Pro
- iPhone
- new outfit
Two Ways I Plan To Improve My Finances
This is a big one. What could you do to feel financially secure? It might not seem possible but this is your space to dream.
- pay off credit card debt
- pay off car
- earn $500 extra per month
- reduce electric bill
- give to others
One Way I Want To Improve My Home
If money were no object, what would you do to make your home the oasis you’d love it to be?
- new couch
- replace floors
- remodel bathroom
- decorate bedroom
It’s funny how I look at my Dream Sheets from years past and realize we have accomplished the dreams we had for our home. Oh, how easily we forget!
Back in 2018, I had hoped to get a king-size bed.
Guess what? I built a DIY King Size Farmhouse Bed and was able to check that dream off my list!
One Way I Will Take Time For Family
What would you like to do together as a family? Put it on paper and see what happens!
- hang out together more
- work out together
- work on family scrapbooks
- play a game once a week
Three Things I Want To Try
It’s always exciting to try new things! What would you like to try?
- try a new hobby (name the hobby)
- new hairstyle
- learn something new (name it)
- start a new routine
- check out a new activity (name it)
Two Dreams I Have For This Year
This is your chance to get crazy! If you could have anything, what would it be?
- a new house
- a massive road trip
- financial stability
- retirement
One Thing I Will Do For My Spiritual Health
Get in touch with your spiritual side!
- love more
- read devotions
- stay positive
One Thing I Will Do For My Mental Health
Your mental health is important. What can you do to stay sharp and live a happy life?
- exercise my mind by (name it)
- focus on good things
- laugh a lot
- rejoice in failure
- surround yourself with positive people
Let yourself dream! Record your dreams as evidence of how far you’ve come. Your future self will thank you for it. There is no pressure, just history in the making. You can handle that.
Get Your New Years Dream Sheet Printable Here
The year can be filled in on this Dream Sheet so you can use it year after year!
This is the original Dream Sheet I created many years ago! It comes in full color and black and white.
This Dream Sheet has the year included on the sheet. I have a Kids Dream Sheet that is similar to this style but more appropriate for little ones.
With a mind shift and permission to dream you can put one foot in front of the other moving forward without fear of failure but with bold confidence and determination! With God’s help, you can design your ideal life and enjoy the trip!
Frequently Asked Questions

Hi! I’m Bridget!
I create printables and DIYs to help you get organized and celebrate special occasions! It’s my mission to inspire you to get creative and find joy in the everyday!
Thank you, I need the positivity of this post today, as the future was looking a bit bleak. Your site is my happy addiction. I love the printables and posts, it allows me to turn towards the positive outlook and makes the things that hinder me seem less like insurmountable obstacles. Thank you again.
@Colleen, thank you so much for sharing! You totally made my day!!! It is my mission to share a little sunshine and I’m so happy to read your words! Thank you for your support!