Any Day Can Be A Frugal Fun Day

Shel Horowitz, author of The Penny-Pinching Hedonist: How to Live Like Royalty with a Peasant’s Pocket (affiliate link), created Frugal Fun Day to show that living on a budget doesn’t have to eliminate the fun from life.

In case you are curious what a hedonist is, like I was, it is a person who believes that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life; a pleasure-seeker.

The first Frugal Fun Day was celebrated on October 2, 1999 and has been observed on the first Saturday in October every year after.

Through Frugal Fun Day, Horowitz encouraged people to take one day to participate in activities that cost under $5 per person. Horowitz explained, “Once people realize they can still have a fabulous time without spending very much money, it opens up enormous possibilities for living more lightly while enjoying a better quality of life.”

Ideas For A Frugal Fun Day

1. Explore

Get in the car and head out for an adventure.

  • Go to a park and watch the leaves fall.
  • Sit on a bench by the water and enjoy the breeze.
  • Is there a National Park nearby? Take in the sights and scenery.
  • Visit a small town nearby and check out the quaint shops.

2. Get Active

  • Put on your walking shoes and take a walk in a new, interesting place.
  • Grab the tennis rackets and head to your local court.
  • How about frisbee? Do you have a frisbee?
  • Visit the local football field and throw the football around.
  • Play Pokemon Go.
  • Go for a bike ride.

3. Visit A Museum

Stay with me here, museums are what you make of them and they can be quite fun! Check for free days at local museums or visit your library to see if they have passes to check out and get in FREE!

4. Turn Up The Tunes

Take time to just listen to your favorite music. You might end up with a spontaneous dance party!

5. Play Board Games

Have each family member pick their favorite game and play without worry or rush!

6. Have A Movie Night

Make it a movie night! Check out Netflix, pop some popcorn, put away your electronic devices, and enjoy!

7. Watch Old Home Videos

Not often do we take time to visit the past. Pull out those old home videos and enjoy the memories!

It’s been said that Horowitz, more than likely, created Frugal Fun Day to increase sales of his book. Regardless of Horowitz’s intentions, “Frugal Fun Day is an excellent excuse for families to get out and look for ways to have fun in the most frugal way!”

Don’t limit yourself to the first Saturday in October. Any day can be a Frugal Fun Day!

Piggy Bank with sunglasses and the words: Frugal Fun Day

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