Who Am I? (worksheet)
The question, Who Am I, has been lingering in my mind for a while now.
At a family gathering a few months ago, my dad expressed how it was a real struggle to find his identity after stepping down as the pastor of a church. For years, he was a pastor … it was who he was … his identity. THEN, when he wasn’t a pastor of a church, he had to wrestle with who he was as a person.
We often describe ourselves as what we do and the roles we have acquired throughout life.
For instance, I would normally use the following words to describe myself:
- mom
- wife
- blogger
- crafter
- woodworker
- household CFO
BUT who am I really? As our jobs and roles change, it’s easy to lose our identity.

In the normal busyness of life, it is easy to lose who you are. Your true identity. The person who follows their passion and finds great JOY in who you are.
It’s TIME to pump the brakes, slow down for a bit, and rediscover who you really are!
The Who Am I? worksheet prompts you with the following inquiries:
My Name Is
Your name identifies you to others. It is an important aspect of who you are. It’s what you answer to when called.
You may have multiple names!
- the name on your birth certificate
- nickname
- mom
- dad
- honey
List them all!
What I Do
So many times, we identify who we are by what we do. THEN … when you no longer have that job or role, you feel like you’ve lost your identity.
What you do does not define who you are but it is a good starting point in self-discovery!
List the jobs you’ve held, volunteer work you’ve done, and any other work that identifies you, while you have that job.
Roles I Have
Some roles we are born with, others we acquire over time.
What roles do you have?
- daughter
- son
- mom
- dad
- wife
- husband
- foster parent
- step-parent
If I Could Do Anything, I would …
If you had no limitations, what would you do?
This is where you get to dream a little!
I Am Good At …
What are you good at?
It may be you are so overwhelmed, you don’t feel like you’re good at anything but YOU ARE!
Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
- staying organized
- being efficient
- crafts
- budgeting
- eating healthy
- working out
Stuff I Could Talk About All Day …
What gets you excited? When you’re with a group of friends, what could you talk about for hours on end?
Things That Bring Me JOY:
What makes you happy?
Here are a few things that bring me JOY:
- building stuff
- creating
- watching my son perform in his band
- talking to my kids
- catching up with friends
Here are some of the words my friends replied with:
- imaginative
- encourager
- organized
- creative
- leader
- loyal
- faithful
- inspiring
- determined
- polymath
- assiduous
- patient (that was my brother-in-law)
- innovative
- Jane of all trades
- woman of God
- friend
A few of the words were used multiple times and a few I had to get a dictionary to look them up! THEN, I used one word to describe each friend. It was a fun way to connect with friends I don’t see often!
I challenge you to ask those closest to you to give you one word that describes YOU!
Click the picture above to share on Facebook and discover the character traits your friends see in you!
I AM …
This is where you bring it together!
In the blogging world, they say you should have an elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is a short description of what your blog is about. You should be able to get it all out on an elevator ride with a stranger.
Sounds kinda funny, right?
In this section, write your very own elevator pitch of Who You Are using some of the words you’ve written on this worksheet!
I am an assiduous polymath (thanks Mom!), honey to one and mom to two, who loves to create and inspire others to live an organized life full of FUN and happiness!
Buy Your Who Am I Worksheet Here!
Last week, as we drove our son to a gig (he’s in a band), we talked about who we really are. We used words to describe each other’s character. We helped each other see their own character traits that make us who we are.
My dad will be a pastor to many for the rest of his life! He is loved and honored by those he served as a pastor. He is also SO MUCH MORE!
Who are you?
Purchase The Entire Medical Binder Here!
The Who Am I Worksheet is included in the Medical Binder!
Hi would just love to collect and gather more budgeting printables.and envelopes.
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