Dear Parents of My Teenagers’ Friends
Dear Parents of My Teenagers’ Friends,
We used to be the cool parents. The parents that had every snack and drink imaginable stocked. We would laugh when teenagers left our home and there wasn’t a morsel of sugar or a potato chip left in the place.
After one particular sleepover, I woke up the next morning to find that even my beloved Reese’s, given to me with a Birthday gift, was missing. Gone for good. A teenager had raided every cabinet and found my precious Reese’s in the middle of the night. I was devastated.
Yes, my children lived among the good stuff and, somehow, did not abuse it. I wondered why parents didn’t understand moderation? Did they realize their children were eating us out of house and home? It was quite humorous yet disturbing at the same time.
I just didn’t understand.
Then, I became THAT parent.
Gluten has been banished from our home. We no longer have a glass of pop with dinner. Dairy is minimal AND we take supplements.
What has happened to us?
Gluten and dairy sensitivities have reared their ugly heads and I can not bring myself to purchase foods that I know will affect my family in negative ways.
We can’t possibly police every morsel the teenagers put in their mouths, but we CAN purchase food that will NOT promote digestive, skin, and emotional issues.
You, on the other hand, with your, oh so cool, refrigerator stocked to the brim with soda pop and your pantry filled with glutenous goodness.
YOU are now the COOL parent!
We realize not an ounce of gluten is to be found after our teenagers have left your home. We see your knowing smile. We know you are laughing. We realize you may be going broke.
For this, we are sorry!
Our teenagers must live their own health journey. Whether they choose to indulge or not, the future is theirs.
We can only do our very best to provide gluten and dairy free goodness in our own home.
With a Knowing Smile,
P.S. Your teenagers will not want to visit our home anymore. Our teens are embarrassed when they do. The gluten free cookies and homemade chicken nuggets just aren’t cutting it for your teens.
It’s the price we pay for future health.
ka-CHING Bridget! NICE trick! *wink wink* 😀
Lol! Not intentional, I PROMISE!
Ha, I totally remember being excited to go to my friend’s houses in highschool and seeing what they had for snacks. Different food is always fun 🙂 I hope my children will learn our healthy eating habits (and I hope one day they will choose to be vegan like me, as well), but for now we talk about consequences of eating foods that aren’t good for you (stomach troubles, headaches, etc) and hope for the best 🙂 And if an Oreo sneaks through I still consider it a win (it could be a lot worse! ha!)
True, True! It certainly could be worse! I’m a vegan as well but certain the kids will not follow in those footsteps. Ha! If even a little bit sticks I will be thrilled!