How To Make Your College Transition Easier For Your Mom

Yep! I said it. We parents are inundated with ways to make the college transition easier on our kids and we work hard to do just that. Then the day comes when we drive away from campus. That day is hard.

We’ve spent 18 years doing all we can for our kid. We’ve bought things for them, coached them, made sure they were taken care of, and had what they needed. Now it’s time to leave and we want to rest assured we’ve prepared them for this.

We parents are inundated with ways to make the college transition easier on our kids and we work hard to do just that. Then the day comes when we drive away from campus. That day is hard. It's time to leave and we want to rest assured we've prepared them for this. College Transition | College Transition Tips | #college #moms #SARD

How To Make Your College Transition Easier For Your Mom

I am NOT the parent that left my daughter’s college campus with dry cheeks, holding a sign that boasted Empty Nest, and a grin from ear to ear. If that was you on Grown and Flown Parents, I’m happy for you!

We are incredibly happy for our daughter and know this is the best course of action for her but I still have all the feels. The worries. The sadness that her empty spot on the couch brings.

On the way home we stopped at a rest stop and, for goodness sake, I cried because I realized I’m now the only girl at home and had to go the the bathroom by myself.

It’s the little things. The things I will continue to discover over time.

On that 2-1/2 hour drive home, I reflected on the things our daughter did that made this college transition easier and on the things that would have made it even easier than it was.

Before you get all uptight, I fully realize this college transition is about her, our daughter, and not about me. I also think our kids care about us and want this transition to be easy on us as well!

Setting Up Dorm Room For College Freshman

Allow Us To Help Set Up Your Dorm Room

You have a comfortable place at home and we want to ensure you are comfortable away from home too!

Allow us to indulge you.

To purchase the things that will make your home away from home a place you will enjoy and find respite in.

Let us help you organize and decorate so we feel at peace that we will leave you in a great space.

Show Us Your Laundry Room

It sounds so boring when I type it but it was important for me to know that you know where the laundry room is.

When you tell me you’re doing laundry, I’ll know right where you are!

We were thrilled to put money on your laundry card to give you a clean start.

Share An On Campus Meal With Us

You’ve sat at the dinner table with us for 18 years. We want to sit and experience where you will eat for the next four!

We want to know the choices of food you will have, how comfortable the chairs are, what the atmosphere is like.

We need a glimpse of what your life will be like.

Give Us A Tour Of The Campus

We want to see the buildings you will spend time in every week. The places you will sit as the professors share their knowledge with you.

We want to know where you will walk. Where you might sit and chat in the courtyard. The distance you will travel from dorm to class.

Let Me Check Out The Library

The place where you’ll spend hours of time in groups or on your own.

A quiet place (I think) where you will be able to study and focus on the work you are there to do.

Show Us The Printers

How silly is that? I wanted to know where you could print, how much those prints cost, and how to pay for copies.

Let Me Take You Shopping

No matter how well we’ve prepared, there’s certainly something still needed.

Once you see the dorm room, it will become clear.

A quick run to Target will do the trick.

Setting up her dorm room freshman year.

Show Us Your Emotions

We want you to be happy but, if you’re not, we want to know that too.

Give Us A Glimpse Of How You Process Stuff

Think out loud!

Let us hear your thoughts.

The way you process stuff will help us understand you have a way to work through things.

Ask For Help

There are people everywhere who are willing to answer your questions.

In fact, some are PAID to answer your questions.

Take advantage of that!

We want to know you will advocate for yourself.

Make Friends

We want to know you won’t be living a life of isolation.

We NEED to know you will have good times!

You may not know your people right away but it will come.

Know How To Handle Stress

You will have stressful situations.

Show us you can handle it.

Strike your favorite stress-relieving yoga pose, show us your breathing exercises, or take oils and a diffuser or an anti-stress ball.

Sister & Brother in Dorm Room

Stay In Contact

I’m so thankful pay phones are a thing of the past and communication is effortless and free!

Send us a text. Share a first day of school picture! You can even call us … on the phone … GASP!

Connect to Life360

We NEED to know you’re safe.

Life360 runs on your phone and allows us to view where each other is  on a map. It’s pretty cool!

It’s peace of mind.

This is such an exciting, exhausting, and emotional time.

We LOVE you! We want the BEST for you! We want you to have it ALL!


As we drive away, there may be tears. In my case, there were definitely tears.

You made this college transition easier with your patience to indulge me in this stuff I needed to experience. The stuff I needed to know you knew although you would have figured it all out just fine on your own.

I’m okay.

You’re okay.

Your place on the couch is waiting for your first visit!

We parents work hard to make the college transition easier on our kids. Then the day comes when we drive away from campus. That day is hard. College Transition | College Transition Tips | #college #moms #SARD

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