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Printable No Soliciting Sign

Tired of unwanted knocks on your door? Avoid interruptions and protect your privacy with this Free Printable No Soliciting Sign! Whether you’re saving time, money, or just want to keep strangers away, this sign is a must-have.

I had precisely two minutes before picking the kids up from school when there was that dreaded knock on the door. My heart sank. I have read you should never avoid that knock in case it’s a thief just checking to see if you’re home. You know the drill, they knock on your front door and, when no one answers, they head around back to let themselves in. Why, oh why, have I not put a No Soliciting Sign at the door? I know better.

TeddiBear and I peeked out the window next to the door at this would-be thief and I asked, ‘can I help you?’ through the window. Of course, Ted’s barking made it impossible to hear how I could help this stranger. Mind you, Teddi is a fluff ball Shicon (Shitzu Bichon) that in no way would ever come remotely close to intimidating Mr. Stranger.

Mr. Stranger had his right arm hanging straight down with his hand hidden behind his back. Oh my goodness! That guy has a gun in his hand and is hiding it for sure. I was ready to run for the hills but, just as the thought went through my mind, Mr. Stranger pulled a brochure of some sort from behind his back. He mumbled some unobtainable words through the barks of Sir Fluffypants and I quickly uttered ‘No Thank You’ and backed away.

I ran upstairs, quick as a flash, to look out the window, hoping to see Mr. Stranger walk away. I saw nothing. Crickets. It was time to leave. I walked out to the garage and, instead of hitting the garage door opener as I went out, I turned on the light, got in my car, locked the doors, and then pushed the button. Come on now, you’ve all done it at least once, right?

I watched the garage door close and made my way down the hill where I encountered Mr. Stranger walking down. He made eye contact as I drove away. Great! Now he knows no one is home. Just great. As I drove a little further I saw his accomplice retreating from another home.

The kids and I arrived home about an hour later. No harm, no foul. I scrolled through Facebook and saw the picture of a local man being sought for domestic violence. That had to be him! I contemplated calling the police before my common sense told me my eyes were perhaps playing tricks on me.

Who actually opens the door for solicitors?

Image of a printable no soliciting sign in front of a house with chairs on the porch.

If you have a message, service, or product, No Soliciting. We love Jesus, our carpets are clean, and we have enough stuff!

Three Reasons to Post a No Soliciting Sign

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1) Avoid Stranger Danger

If you have a sign posted, a solicitor should not knock. If they don’t knock, there’s no need to talk through a window over a barking dog.

What if your teenagers were home alone? Let’s just avoid those solicitors altogether!

2) Save Money

This one hits your wallet. When a solicitor knocks on your door, their sole purpose is to get you to buy something (unless it’s a religious solicitor and then, they want you to buy into their religion). A simple No Soliciting Sign will help you save money because you won’t even know about what they’re trying to sell and won’t be tempted to buy it.

  • No! I will not let you clean my carpet. Are you freaking kidding me?
  • My security system and cable provider are just fine. Thank you very much.
  • I have a pest control person. (It’s my husband!)
  • I’m not interested in solar. I live in the Pacific Northwest where it rains most of the year.
  • And no, I don’t happen to need a magazine subscription.

3) Save Time

Okay, maybe not much time but it adds up. Especially if Ms. Solicitor wants to talk politics or religion. I am impressed that they are committed to spreading the word. I remember going door to door, with my family, as a youngster. I also remember my German grandma ripping a brochure and throwing it at one particular Mr. Solicitor. I don’t think he was the right religion!

Needless to say, I can get into all the political debates I want, on Facebook, on my own time. Right now, I got stuff!

Free No Soliciting Sign Printable

Image of a printable no soliciting sign.

Do No Soliciting Signs Work?

While I can’t make any promises, Mr. Stranger should know better than to knock on a door with a No Soliciting Sign. Check out this article for the nitty-gritty of it all.

Mr. Stranger, I do not want you to ever knock on my door again. You were the last straw. Quick as a wink, I designed a solution to the problem. I will no longer be freaked out by that doorbell, our hard-earned money will stay in my wallet, and our time is our own!

Perhaps you never want to hear from Mr. Stranger either? Quick! Print this sign, laminate it, and put it by your door to get rid of Stranger Danger!

No Soliciting Sign SVG File

Since that day, when I printed off a No Soliciting Sign, I’ve created a wood No Soliciting Sign with the same saying. We have it sitting on a wicker chair right next to our door. It’s big enough so that solicitors can see it from the end of the driveway and will (hopefully) know not to even walk up to the door.

When my niece moved into a new home, she had solicitors knocking on her door and waking up her napping kids so I made a No Soliciting Sign for her, too!

In case you want to make your own wood No Soliciting Sign, you can buy my No Soliciting SVG file and learn how to make a DIY Wood Farmhouse Sign that will last you for years. I think mine is going on eight years and my niece’s about three!

No Soliciting sign made out of wood and sitting on a shelf with flowers nearby.

Sometimes, solicitors catch us when we’re outside and once in a while they still knock. When I point to the No Soliciting Sign, they claim they aren’t solicitors. Instead, they just want to talk about our power prices and how solar could be beneficial. They often come in official-looking orange vests and say our neighbors suggested they talk to us. However, the sign has been a great way to avoid most knocks at the door.

Frequently Asked Questions

I created this sign so solicitors could see it before they even get to our doorbell. They should be able to see it from the road so they don’t even need to walk down our driveway. That’s what I prefer! At first, I had the sign to the left of our door but soon realized that it needed to be on the right, just below the doorbell so there’s no chance solicitors could miss it.

Usually, I’ll talk through the window and ask if I can help them. It’s hard to hear but you can often get the drift if they are solicitors or not. Once I know they are a solicitor, I say no thank you. If they persist, I point to the No Soliciting Sign. At this point, they’ll usually leave however, I’ve had a persistent few that claim to not be solicitors at which point I tell them I’m not interested and back away from the door.

Call it paranoid if you’d like. I’d rather be a bit paranoid and safe than open a door to a stranger. It could also depend on your neighborhood but I live in a pretty safe neighborhood and still use caution.

I’d rather support the kids I know and those kids know how to reach us. I don’t want to be known as the house that will buy everything because I know I don’t need it and I’d rather not spend the money. Sounds harsh, I know. It’s a part of frugal living. Every little bit helps.


Hi! I’m Bridget!

I create printables and DIYs to help you get organized and celebrate special occasions! It’s my mission to inspire you to get creative and find joy in the everyday!

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  1. I can totally relate to this. It is not an issue of paranoia but a safety issue. Break-ins and home invasions are just too common these days. You can’t be too careful about the safety of your family. Between kids and dogs it is very difficult to determine in brief moment whether or not an unexpected visitor is a threat or not. If I am looking for goods or services, I know how to find them.

    1. Amen, Michele! I’m all about safety! Why not avoid the unexpected and just put up a sign! It does the job quite nicely!

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