Stocking Stuffers For Teenagers
You have the bulk of your Christmas shopping done but those empty stockings are hanging there looking so lonely. You need ideas. Ideas for stocking stuffers for teenagers!
Wasting money just to fill them up is not an option. You’re looking for things your teenagers will actually use. Practical, fun, interesting stocking stuffers!
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Stocking Stuffer Ideas
Baby Yoda
If you have a family member that is into Star Wars, Baby Yoda is sure to be a hit … no matter the age!
Can you believe it? Scrunchies are IN for both boys and girls! I totally remember these things … although they spent most of their time on my arm … as a bracelet …
Cell Phone Charger
Who knows a teen that can’t keep their phone charged? Now that they have this handy dandy cell phone charger, there is no excuse to call home!
Selfie Ring Light
Better yet … check out this ring light that clips right on your phone!
But, of course! What’s your teen’s favorite? No need to go crazy here, just a little will do.
Oh yeah! I’m thinking we just might have snow this winter. Fingers crossed! The teenagers have outgrown their snow gear and, guess what, Winter Gloves fill up that stocking quite nicely!
Grooming Supplies
It’s time for the teenagers to stop using mom and dad’s grooming supplies and take pride in having their very own! What? What? But these are nicer than mom and dad’s. No Fair!
Fingernail Clippers
It’s ALWAYS good to have a few of these around!
We tried to go with the cheap drug store earbuds/earphones one year and they didn’t quite cut it. If you’ve used Apple EarPods, you apparently get a little spoiled! Needless to say, it’s hard keeping track of these things and a spare pair is always a blessing!
Video Games
It’s an expensive stocking stuffer and we may have, ahem, wrapped a few in a MUCH bigger box in hopes of filling that space under the tree. Of course, if your space is limited and stockings bare, put that fun video game in the stocking!
How about some specialty socks? These socks are my daughter’s favorite! As a matter of fact, they’re my favorite too!
Wool Socks
Ahhh! I can feel the warmth now! Wool socks are an excellent choice for those chilly days. My teenage daughter borrows mine often because she hates cold toes!
Whew! That’s a whole lot of socks, right there! Isn’t that what stockings are for?
Game Controller
Do you have enough controllers for the whole family to play? Stuff those stockings and get into the game!
Because you just never know when you might need one and, when you do, you’ll be glad you have it!
The duct tape wallet has been through the wash so many times it is actually falling apart. Those things are pretty tough, too! Now that we’re growing up, it’s time for a REAL wallet. Hopefully one that will never see the insides of the washing machine. Perfect for the toes of your stocking!
Ice Scraper
The permit holding teenager holds some golden opportunities for stocking stuffers! Plush dice anyone? How about a lovely gas card? That gas money is probably coming out of your pocket anyway, so stick it in the stocking! In a box, of course. This ice scraper will fill that stocking nicely AND your teen will be thankful when their windshields are frozen or heaped with snow!
Glass Straws
Reusable Straws are great to have on hand!
Movie Tickets
Hey, you’re probably gonna head to the movies at some point anyway so you might as well throw the tickets in their stockings too!
Blue Light Blocking Glasses
My daughter actually bought herself a pair of these and uses them a lot!
Lottery Scratch Tickets
If your teenagers are over 18, they would probably enjoy a scratch ticket or two!
T-Shirt From Their Favorite Band
Teenagers and T-Shirts go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Add a fun Band T-Shirt to their stocking for instant smiles of gratitude!
Hopefully this list of stocking stuffers for teenagers has inspired you to get the ball rolling and fill those stockings!
From practical to fun and things you probably would have bought anyway.
Stocking Stuffer Tracker
You’ve been collecting stocking stuffers, for your family, and they’re either hidden in secret spots or wrapped and in the designated stocking. The problem is … you can’t remember everything you’ve already put in those stockings and you want to make sure that Sally is getting just as many stocking stuffers as John, right?
That’s why you need a Stocking Stuffer Tracker so you can track what you’ve bought for who and how much you’ve spent.
Teenagers! Am I right? I dunno. Anyhoo! Great items, Bridget! This is the first year I won’t be needing cold weather items (it’s still 80 degrees during the day, 75 at night here), however, I especially like the wallet and flashlight idea. I’ve always thought Christmas was a great time to update practical items. When I was a teenager, Santa would bring me a new light-up makeup mirror each year. I genuinely loved his good sense and great taste! ๐
Exactly, Kay! Hey, if we’re buying it anyway, might as well fill those stockings up! Practical gifts are the best kind … except … the hubby wants to buy me a new ironing board to iron HIS clothes on. That’s where I draw the line;0) Lol! Enjoy that sunshine!
Oh no Blake! No no no no no you didn’t! That is TOO funny! ๐
Lol! I knew you’d be on my side, Kay;0)
We just wrapped up stocking stuffer shopping last night! It feels great to have the kids 100% done!
These are great ideas!
Yay! It does feel good to be done, Kara! Now I just need to fill the hubbies stocking;0)