People You Meet at the Gym
No matter how you choose to work out, you are doing something great for your health. If you happen to work out at a gym, the people you meet at the gym can be downright hilarious! The hubster, Steve, was motivated to write this post after yet another interesting workout. Enjoy!
I have been into working out my entire life. It began for me way back in high school. I was an athlete, so I always saw working out as a way to get better. As I grew up, working out continued to be a very big part of my life. I have had the opportunity to work out in gyms all over our country, as well as gyms in both Europe and Asia.
At the gym yesterday, I was resting between sets. As I looked around the gym, which was very crowded, I began to smile. I realized that no matter where you work out, or what type of gym you choose, you will always run into the same people.
Before I start, I donโt want to come off like some kind of gym snob! I will take a shot at myself in here as well. I will say that I have a degree in Exercise Science and, as a player or coach, have been around some very good strength and conditioning programs at the collegiate level.
Just remember, when you read my stuff, I live by the adage that I take everything serious, but nothing too serious. So, here is my take on the people you meet at the gym!

The Power Lifters
You know these people. They are the ones who take up a large portion of the gym with their bars and bags and such. They are the ones who are typically the loudest folks in the gym. You know, you have to really grunt and yell to get those big weights off the ground.
What I have found is that most use unbelievably bad technique! I worry they are going to truly hurt themselves.
I typically try to stay clear of the powerlifters. If those weights land awkwardly on your foot, you could wind up with a nasty bruise.
The Socialites
These are the individuals who come to the gym to โwork outโ! Typically, the only muscles getting worked out are their masseter muscle. Go ahead and google that one, I will wait โฆ
The socialites are probably the individuals who bother me the most because it always seems they congregate around a machine I am waiting for. They look the part. They have on their workout gear, have a towel around their neck, and some even wear gloves! But working out is strictly an option. It’s all about catching up!
The Cute Couple No One Can Stand
Itโs Ken and Barbie over in the corner working out in their own little world. He is fit! She is even fitter! They are the nicest folks in the whole place but no one can stand them because, well โฆ they are perfect.
Lots of giggles and googley eyes, but they are getting it done. They have to be getting it done right? How else are they staying so fit?
These two are in every gym, but oftentimes go unnoticed. Take a close look, you will see them.
The New Years Resolutioners
You see them every January. I always feel bad, because you just know some are not going to make it. You want them to make it, but the attrition rate for this group is high. Some of them have the โeye of the tigerโ thing going. It is awesome! When you see them, give them some encouragement. I believe the world is a better place with healthier people.
Unfortunately, some donโt make it. They have the same look in their eyes as some of those that I went through Basic Training with. It is just not going to happen for them. Hopefully, they start anew next year.
The Loud Trainer Guys
One of my personal favorites. They are typically young, ambitious, and donโt know their butt from a bucket when it comes to training people.
Of all the people you meet in the gym, these are the most dangerous.
A little PSA here: Please check out the credentials of anyone you are considering as a personal trainer!!!!! At a minimum, they should be certified by a reputable agency. You can google Certified Personal Trainers and get a litany of info. I am a little biased. As I said, I have a degree in Exercise Science and, over the years, have been a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
Personally, a paper and pencil certification does not cut it for me. If someone is not required to take a class, pass an exam, and take continuing education to maintain their cert, then I would look elsewhere.
You will know the trainers in the gym who know the least because they are often the loudest. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THAT NEW SUPPLEMENT AT GNC? IT IS SUPPOSED TO GET YOU JACKED!! THATโS IT! FIVE MORE REPS!
The Rob Lowe โMeat Head Guysโ
Have you seen the Direct TV commercials? The โMeat Headโ guy is my favorite.
If you have been around gyms at all, you know exactly who these gentlemen are. Lots of โDudeโ, โBroโ or the alternative โBruhโ, and lots of chemically enhanced muscle tissue. Now sure, not all of them are doing steroids, but I was a college football player. I know what an individual looks like when they are on the juice. One of my roommates was the biggest juice head on the team! Disclaimer! I thought about some chemical enhancement myself back in the day but never could bring myself to do it. Not that I was a choir boy, it’s just that they are not cheap. Plus there is that whole fear of needles thing!
Back to the Meat Heads. I love them. They are just as loud as the trainers who don’t know anything, so they bring an element of free entertainment to the gym.
The โMeat Heads in Trainingโ
These are the individuals who have not reached meathead status, just yet. These individuals are easy to distinguish from the rest of the gym patrons because they have ILS. ILS or IMAGINARY LAT SYNDROME can be spotted from clear across the gym.
You may laugh, but you know exactly who I am talking about. They walk around all puffed up! The only problem is, there is a bunch of daylight where their Lats are supposed to be.
Oftentimes, individuals with ILS will have this funny little strut that accompanies the syndrome. ILS and a strut is a really bad combination! When I see these fellas, I want to walk up behind them and pull their arms down to their sides. Close the gap so to speak.
Donโt worry fellas, keep working hard. Some day those lats will come in!
And finally, there’s me …
The Ear Buds In, Leave Me The Heck Alone Dude
Yep, people probably think I am a total anti-social person! That is ok, I can live with that.
The reality is, that the gym is an escape for me. I can throw in my earbuds, dial up my workout mix (which by the way is OUTSTANDING!), and get after it. I only have a given amount of time to work out and I want to make the most of it.
The earbud folks are our own little tribe. When we see each other, we simply give each other a head nod and keep going. We respect each other’s mission and try not to interrupt it. Oftentimes, we run into each other as we are walking to our cars. This is a great time to say hi, catch up, etc. But in the gym, it is strictly business. We want to avoid getting injured by the powerlifter guys, get our workout done, and get home!
Well there you have it! The people you meet at the gym. I would love to know if I left anyone out.
Chime in! Let me know!
” … and get after it.” just about sums up what the focus should be at the gym. Good stuff.
Lol! … and that he does! I, on the other hand, like to think I can get after it AND be a little social;0)
Although I don’t go to a gym any longer, I was the “leave me alone” person. Even in group fitness I didn’t feel like socializing much.
The ‘leave me alone’ crowd is easy to deal with! I admit, I was one for a while too;0)
Haha! Such good examples! What annoys me the most at the gym are the dudes who chat more than they work out (I understand they are taking a pause between two sets) and sit on the equipment while doing so.
I have met great people at the gym though. ๐
You’re right! There are great people at the gym! I like to get to know the people I work out with every day and tend to be a little social. I try to be aware of my surroundings and stay out of the way though;0) The dudes you’re talking about usually have a certain swagger that demonstrates their superiority in the gym. Lol!
I love this post! I’m no longer a member of a gym, but when I used to go, I saw most of these groups of people ๐ the ones that used to amuse me the most were the women who went to work out with a full face of makeup! Why?! Crazy.
Aha! You know those ladies are there for a little more than a workout;0) Lol!
I used to go to a gym at a local country club. I saw all of the groups you speak of. My biggest problem was the giggles. I get a terrible case of them. One time in exercise class we were doing something, I can’t remember what, maybe running or dancing in place or something, and my big toe started making loud snapping noises. It’s always done that, but my sister was with me and when it started, she started laughing, and then I started, and then we literally fell on the floor laughing. Oh, the dirty looks we got from the “fabulous” crowd. Long story short, I started exercising at home. ๐ Loved this post! ๐
Too funny Kay! I would have loved to have been in that class. It’s that sort of thing that makes working out fun;0) I’m sure you would be a hoot at the gym!
yeah, I’m a member of planet fitness, where they don’t allow the juice head, loud weight lifting guys. Lol and I’m totally a leave me alone person at my gym, but we do have the couples, the New Years resolution people, and a new group, the old people that are just there for the spa section lol
Lol! We don’t have a spa at our gym so the elderly are more socialites. I have to say I love them though;0) I’m so glad they are there doing a little for their health. I like that Planet Fitness doesn’t allow the juice heads and loud guys. We need one of those around here!