Your Money

How To Determine A Fair Allowance Amount

How To Determine A Fair Allowance Amount

You’ve come to grips with the fact that you need to incorporate an allowance for each family member in your spending plan but how do you determine a fair allowance amount? Healthy money talks should be a part of every relationship! Tough negotiations included! What Is Included In A Fair Allowance Amount? When determining a fair allowance amount, why…

One Step You Must Take To Drive Traffic To Your Garage Sale

One Step You Must Take To Drive Traffic To Your Garage Sale

Location, location, location! That’s the ticket to a successful Garage Sale! We have always combined forces with family and held our garage sale at a primo location just off a major highway. Alas, that location has been sold. What’s a person to do? Our only option was to hold a garage sale at *gasp* OUR…

10 Reasons Not To Give

10 Reasons Not To Give

Sometimes it seems as though hands are reaching out to you from every direction in hopes of cold hard cash being passed their way. Mail, Facebook, emails, phone calls, schools, those cute little girl scouts, and even the guy on the corner with a cardboard sign. Everyone has a passion and they want you to…

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