
Benefits of Blogging

Benefits of Blogging

It was January of 2014 when I decided I would jump into this blogging world, with both feet. There was no plan of action, pre-written posts, or even much computer knowledge. I didn’t feel qualified to blog but I did it anyway. I knew if I waited for the perfect time, it would never happen. As a stay…

Murphy’s Law – Anything That Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong

Murphy’s Law – Anything That Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong

Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. We’ve all been there, right? You go through a stretch of bad luck, where Murphy’s Law is in full effect, and you just want to kick something. Murphy’s Law Has Visited Our House Steve here. It started innocently enough with a blinker…

Being Poor Sucks!

Being Poor Sucks!

Steve here! I am a product of situational poverty. Being Poor Sucks! My father was a foreman for a large road construction company and my family lived a very comfortable lifestyle. At least that is what I was told. I was too young to remember those times. Unfortunately, my father died from cancer when I…

Do You Do Your Own Taxes?

Do You Do Your Own Taxes?

For many years we used a tax accountant to do our taxes. We would get our paperwork together, make an appointment, and meet up at the accountant’s office. I never enjoyed paying  $300 to have our taxes done and decided I could do it myself! After all, our taxes were pretty straightforward. Tax Preparation Before tackling this…

Dirty Santa Gift Exchange

Dirty Santa Gift Exchange

Although it’s name might suggest otherwise, the Dirty Santa Gift Exchange is a family friendly game! It is called dirty because game participants steal gifts from each other in the attempt to end up with the best possible gift. Gifts for Dirty Santa are typically something fun, new, unique, and in good taste. Check out these $10 Dirty…

Unqualified to Give

Unqualified to Give

This time of year Christmas giving opportunities are endless. Every corner you turn someone has a cause they need help with. From food banks, giving wreaths, giving trees, churches, adopting families, The Salvation Army and the drug store cashier, to purchasing animals for those in other countries to make a better life for themselves. They…

Classroom Door Window Covering
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Classroom Door Window Covering

Learn how to make your own magnetic Classroom Door Window Covering! What’s better than combining classroom safety with a gift for teachers? Every school I’ve been in has classroom doors with a window. These windows are to be unblocked until there is a lockdown. During a lockdown, those windows must be covered so a potential…

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