
Money Management Spreadsheets

Get The Money Management Spreadsheets For Just $14

Money Management Spreadsheets

Money Management Spreadsheets are here to help you finally take control of your money so you aren’t left wondering where it went.

Tracking your money online seems like an impossible chore that comes with risk.

  • You like the idea of managing your money online but you DON’T want to pay a monthly fee.
  • It makes you uncomfortable to give out your bank information on money apps. I totally get it!
  • Oh! And you want to stop being the money miser of the family and, instead, have a resource to refer to when money matters come up.

There’s no need to waste money, compromise your sense of security, or stress about fulfilling every family members’ dreams when you can pay once and refer to the Money Management Spreadsheets every time a money question comes up.

The Money Management Spreadsheet System is Done-for-You Google Spreadsheets to help you manage your money well by showing you exactly what you’re spending your money on and providing resources to track it all.

Money Management Spreadsheets.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Automatic Calculations so you don’t have to do the math.
  • Visuals so you can SEE if you’re on track.
  • The confidence you need to finally take control of your finances because you have a plan.
  • Easy communication about money because your money facts are laid out, in an easy-to-understand way!

Please note: This is a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

What If You Knew Exactly What Was Needed, When, And Had A Plan?

  • Enter your Income and Expenses and let the spreadsheets do the math for you!
  • Create a Budget to put together your financial puzzle and KNOW when you can handle an extra expense.
  • Record deposits and withdrawals from your Cash Envelopes so you can SEE where your cash went.
  • Create Sinking Funds and record the deposits and withdrawals so you are ready for yearly or one-time expenses.
  • Track your debt and how much interest you pay, each month, to motivate you to get it paid off.

The Money Management Spreadsheets Are Here To Help You Rock Your Role As The CFO!

Let’s take a closer look at a few of the Money Management Spreadsheets to see how you can easily manage your money in less time and without doing math:

Automatic Calculations

Enter your Income & Expenses and watch the automatic calculation magic happen!

You can be a Money Geek without doing the math:

  • See, at a glance, if your expenses were less than your income so you can make adjustments, in future months.
  • View the percentage of your income you’ve spent, in each category, to know where improvements can be made.
  • Check out your annual income and expenses to see where you’re at, overall.
Money management spreadsheet.

Track Your Sinking Funds

Whether you use physical envelopes or bank accounts for your sinking funds, the Sinking Fund Spreadsheet will help you track how much you’ve actually saved so you don’t have to stress if the money is there or not.

You put in your categories and monthly contributions, the Sinking Fund Spreadsheet gives you your balances:

  • Record how much you’ve set aside, for each category, so your money has a purpose and you don’t accidentally spend it on the latest big screen television, unless, of course, you have a sinking fund for that!
  • Move money in and out of your sinking funds, as you spend it on its designated purpose, and let the spreadsheet show you your balance.
  • An auto calculation will keep track of your total sinking fund amount so you don’t have to!
Sinking fund tracker on the computer.

Get Motivated To Crush Debt!

The Debt Boss SHOWS you just how much you’re paying in interest and if your total debt is spiraling down or climbing up.

Get motivated to crush your debt with visuals that’ll make you face reality:

  • Enter the numbers and watch the graphs change, over time, hopefully in your favor!
  • View how much you spend each month on interest, alone. That’s motivation to pay off debt, right there!
  • Pay attention to your total debt, year to date, and get excited to watch that number shrink!
Debt Boss spreadsheet.

Get your Money Management Spreadsheets NOW so you can easily track where your money went, where it needs to go, and how much you’re spending for the privilege of using debt.

Money Management Spreadsheets.

Please note: This is a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.


It gets even better! When you purchase the Money Management Spreadsheets, you’ll also get exclusive access to these AMAZING bonuses!

Bonus #1 ($14 Value)

This is a digital product that you can print, right at home!

Sometimes paper and pen works better. The Budget Binder gives you the paper option to geek out about your money.

The Budget Binder includes over 50 PDF pages to help you manage your money:

  • Net Worth Worksheet so you can discover your net worth.
  • Sinking Fund Charts to give you VISUALS of what you’ve saved.
  • Allowance Proposal to come up with fair allowance amounts, so you can stay on budget.
Budget Binder Printable Pages

Bonus #2 ($7 Value)

This is a digital product that you can print, right at home!

The Printable Cash Envelope System will help you keep your budget in check.

The Cash Envelope System includes 12 Cash Envelope Templates And A Transaction Register:

  • Allocate cash to the categories you use most so you will be sure to live within your budget.
  • Print the envelopes as many times as you’d like.
  • Never go without getting a haircut again because you’ve got an envelope for that!
Cash Envelope printables.

You’re ready to put the financial puzzle pieces together!

Hi, I’m Bridget!

My goal is to help you gain financial hope by tracking your money – the easy way!

I know what it feels like to make every money cut possible and STILL feel like you can barely keep a roof over your head.

After graduating high school, I went to work full time and saved enough money to purchase my own duplex, at the age of 21. Then, I married a guy who had just finished his term of service in the military, and worked 3 jobs to get him through college.

At the age of 30, I became a stay-at-home mom with our brand-new little girl and we learned to live on my husband’s teaching salary.

I’ve been the Chief Financial Officer of our home for over 25 years and have learned a LOT along the way.

I’m here to help you in your role of Chief Financial Officer of your home so you can rock your money, with confidence!

Let’s take a closer look at what’s inside.

Money Management Spreadsheets.

With this easy to use system, you’ll find yourself geeking out about money and reaching your goals, like you never thought possible!

Here’s what you’ll love about the Money Management Spreadsheets:

  • Automatic calculations that show you where your money is going.
  • The ability to see, at a glance, if you’re living within your means.
  • Sinking funds tracker so you know exactly how much you need to save to meet your goals.
  • Debt staring you in the face so you can target them in the way that makes sense, for you.
  • Spreadsheets that you can use year after year. I’ll show you how to create a clean copy!

Please note: This is a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

Who the Money Management Spreadsheets are for:

You’ll LOVE this if:

  • Visuals motivate you to succeed.
  • You want to know WHERE your money goes each month.
  • You want to make a positive impact on your family’s finances.

This isn’t for you if:

  • You don’t care about your money.
  • Digital spreadsheets aren’t your thing.
  • Your family never has to worry about money because your bank account is loaded.

Take charge of your family’s finances!

Money Management Spreadsheets.

Please note: This is a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Money Management Spreadsheets are a digital product that will be delivered to you, through email. Please note: This is a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

The Money Management Spreadsheets are a digital product to help you plan, record, and track your money.

Please Note: The Money Management Spreadsheets are a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

The Money Management System includes the following spreadsheets:

  • Budget
  • Income
  • Expenses
  • Income & Expense Summary
  • Checking Account Register
  • Savings Account Register
  • Cash Envelopes
  • Sinking Funds
  • Debt Boss

The Money Management Spreadsheets were created in Google Sheets. You will need a (free) Gmail account in order to use the spreadsheets in Google Drive.

Access to the Money Management Spreadsheets will be delivered digitally, via the email address you provide at checkout. It should arrive within 5-10 minutes of your purchase.

Please note: This is a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

The Money Management Spreadsheets are a one time cost and can be used year after year!

Because the Money Management Spreadsheets are a digital product, there are no refunds. Purchase with confidence!

It’s time to take control of your money!

The Money Management Spreadsheets are here to help!

Money Management Spreadsheets.

One more time, here’s EVERYTHING you get when you purchase the Money Management Spreadsheets!

  • 9 Google Sheets to help you track your money – $28 value
  • Video Walk-through of the Money Management Spreadsheets
  • BONUS #1: Budget Binder – $14 Value
  • BONUS #2: Cash Envelope System – $7 Value

Total Value: $35

Today’s Price: $14

Please note: This is a digital product, nothing will be mailed to you.

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